President Hashem al-Atasi at the gates of Damascus University - March 1, 1954

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Image Source: Archive

The photo was taken hours after President Adib al-Shishakli fled Syria and Syria's democratically elected President Hashem al-Atasi returned to power. Second from left is Abdullah al-Khani, the secretary-general of the presidency. Next to him stands Nazem al-Qudsi, the speaker of Parliament and to the far right is Prime Minister Sabri al-Asali, standing next to President Hashem al-Atasi. Between Atasi and Asali stands Abdul Baqi Nizam al-Din, the Minister of Public Works. Third from right is Raif al-Mulki, the Hama MP. Standing behind Qudsi is Economy Minister Fakher Kayyali and behind him is ex-Parliament Speaker under Shishakli, Maamoun al-Kuzbari. Behind President Atasi stands Fayek al-Nehlawi, the secretary-general of Parliament, and behind him stands Sheikh Mustapha al-Sibaii, the founder of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood (wearing a checkered turban).