Leaders of the National Bloc attending a reception in honor of Palestinian journalist Mohammad Ali Eltaher in Beirut in 1931

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The reception was held by Lebanese Prime Minister Kheiraldine al-Ahdab in honor of Eltaher, a friend of Syrian and Lebanese nationalists and publisher of the Arab liberation newspaper, the Cairo-based Asshoura. Seated from left to right: Husni al-Barazi (future Prime Minister of Syria), Lebanese Health Minister Subhi Haidar, Jamil Mardam Bey (future Prime Minister of Syria), Chief of the Syrian National Bloc Ibrahim Hananu, Michel Zakkour (future Lebanese Interior Minister), Riad al-Sulh (future Prime Minister of Lebanon), Prime Minister Ahdab, Palestinian nationalist Ahmad al-Imam, Abdullah al-Yafi (future Prime Minister of Lebanon). Standing in the background are future Prime Minister Takkiddine al-Sulh and Lebanese MP Kazem al-Sulh and Adel al-Sulh, the future president of the Beirut Municipality. From the archives of Mohammad Ali Eltaher (www.eltaher.org).