Emir Adel Arslan pictured during his exile in Baghdad in 1935

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Prince Adel Arslan (1887-1954) was born in Choueifat, what is today modern Lebanon, and grew up under the towering influence of his brother Emir Shakib, a leading Arab nationalist and intellectual. Emir Adel joined Faisal I in establishing the first post-Ottoman government in Damascus, serving as the new King’s private secretary. When the French occupied Damascus in July 1920 they sentenced Arslan to death, forcing him to flee to neighboring Transjordan, where he became Head of the Royal Diwan to Faisal’s brother, Prince Abdullah (the founder of modern Jordan). He quarreled with Abdullah and went to Cairo in 1924, then joined the Great Syrian Revolt against the French, advocating its cause in Europe and writing articles in favor of Syrian emancipation from French rule. He befriended President Shukri al-Quwatli in the 1940s, becoming an MP for the Golan Heights in the Syrian Parliament. Briefly in 1949 he served as Foreign Minister under President Husni al-Zaim. This photo was taken from the archives of Mohammad Ali Eltaher (www.eltaher.org)