Rashad Jabri (1910-1986) studied business administration at the American University of Beirut (AUB) and obtained his graduate degree in Civil Engineering from Manchester College in the United Kingdom. He became manager of the Syrian Oil Company in 1939. He held the post until 1941, when he was appointed manager of the al-Khumasiyya industry group in Damascus. In 1951, President Hashim al-Atasi appointed Jabri governor of Damascus, and in March 1954 he became minister of public works and telecommunications in the cabinet of Prime Minister Sabri al-Asali. He also became a member of parliament in October 1954. He also served as minister of agriculture from June to December 1956 under Prime Minister Asali. Jabri opposed the Syrian-Egyptian Union of 1958 and was voted into Parliament after its collapse, in 1961. He was retired from political life by the Baath Party coup of March 8, 1963 and arrested in 1966. Smuggled out of Syria during the military era of the Baath, he went to Saudi Arabia where he worked as an engineer in Khobar until his death on December 1, 1986.
Source: Syrianhistory.com Archive