A dinner hosted by Prime Minister Ata al-Ayyubi in honor of the National Bloc - Sep 1936

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Image Source: Syrianhistory.com Archive

President of the National Bloc Hashem al-Atasi is seated in the middle of the left side of the table. Seated next to him in order are the French official Delelée-Desloges (sixth), Prime Minister Ata al-Ayyubi (seventh), and Justice Minister Said al-Ghazzi (eighth). Third from center is the National Bloc leader and future president, Shukri al-Quwatli. On the right hand side (from center): Emir Mustapha al-Shihabi, the Minister of Education in the Ayyubi government, National Bloc leader Saadallah al-Jabiri, French High Commissioner Henri de Martel, Bloc leader Jamil Mardam Bey, and Economy Minister Mustapha al-Qusayri.