The Arab Premiers Conference in Cairo - January 22, 1955

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Image Source: Damascus Black & White page on Facebook

President Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt is seated to the right, facing Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal Ibn Abdul-Aziz al-Saud. Behind the Egyptian President is his ambassador to Damascus, Mahmud Riad. Next to the Saudi Emir is Syrian Prime Minister Fares al-Khury (although only his white hair shows) and then sits Syrian Foreign Minister Faydi al-Atasi. On the other side of the Emir is Lebanese Prime Minister Sami al-Sulh. Further down the table, seated on Nasser's side, in Ottoman fez, is Jordanian Prime Minister Tawfiq Abu al-Huda. The first man on the corner of Nasser's side of the table is Emir Mohammad al-Badr Hamid al-Din of Yemen.