The Revolutionary Command Council withdraws civilian rights of Syria's top leaders - March 1963

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When the Baath Party came to power in March 1963, its officers made sure to cancel the civil rights of an entire generation of Syrian politicians. All those associated with the pre-Baath era were accused of having supported the "crime of session" from Egypt.

The decree was published in Barada newspaper before it was closed down by the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC). It included: President Nazem al-Qudsi, Prime Ministers Sabri al-Asali, Khaled al-Azm, Maamoun al-Kuzbari, and Maarouf al-Dawalibi, and Baath Party leader and ex-Parliament Speaker Akram al-Hawrani. It also applied to ex-ministers: Rashad Jabri (Agriculture), Suhail al-Khury (Rural Affairs and Municipalities), Fouad al-Adel (Social Affairs & Labor), Badawi al-Jabal (Media and Health), Rashad Barmada (Defense), Mustapha al-Barudi (Media Affairs), Awad Barakat (Industry), Izzat Tarabulsi (Economy and Governor of the Central Bank), Asaad Mahasin (Foreign Affairs), Khalil Kallas (Economy), Aziz Abdul Karim (Interior), Amin Nfuri (Transportation), Leon Zamariya (Finance).

It also included clerics like Mekki al-Kettani, head of the Ulema Association, and Abdul Raouf Abu Taouk, and community leaders like Hani al-Jallad, Abdul Karim al-Dandashi, Lawrence al-Shaalan and president of the Syrian Communist Party Khaled Bakdash. Prominent journalists were on the list like Ahmad Usseh (al-Rai al-Aam newspaper), Wadih Sidawi (al-Nasr), Bashir al-Ouff (al-Manar), Nasuh Babil (al-Ayyam), Izzat Husrieh (al-Alam), and heavyweight retired officers like ex-chiefs of staff Afif al-Bizreh and Abdul Karim Zahr al-Din, and the architects of the anti-union coup: Abdul Karim al-Nehlawi, Haydar al-Kuzbari, Faisal Serri al-Husseini, and Muwafak Assasa.